Hilarious, simply hilarious
Hilarious, simply hilarious
Simply Amazing
Cool but very similar to smbz lol. should try and deviate from it a bit more
Check out the Revamp.
Hell yeah sonic wrecked that plumber flawless beatdown
Great animation surely. But question..what does extraction or extracting have anything to do with this lol
She's extraction or exfiltrating the area
HOLY SHIT ITS BACK ! Not sure if you remember me cody but im a longtime huge fan ! Nice to see youv'e revived this amazing series ! Been a long time but just glad af to see the spark has re-ignited !!!
I do remember your name Mike, thanks for the review buddy
"Coming Never" LMAO !!!!!
Awesome (: But I don't think OXOB won..Not even kind of haha
Pretty cool !
It's not everday a Sprite Animation movie this fluid and badass comes along, and the fact that it's Metal Slug only makes it all the more badass, Osato I know this has been a long time in the making, I remember seeing the trailer and feeling interested. Then recently viewing the beta and being COMPLETELY blown away. The feedback I gave you wasn't just because you were a friend. But because I really believed in the movie. The Dialogue is awesome, Storyline developing and interesting and has me hooked to see where it goes, sound effects are spot on, music choices are fantastic, Overall its just the best in its department and I can't wait to see a sequel which i'm sure you plan on doing, keep up the good work !!! -MetaMike
Thanks! :D
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Joined on 5/29/09