I make flash games…..



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MetaMike's News

Posted by MetaMike - 10 days ago

Hello everyone 👋 I like to preface these posts with (for those who care) in a few months it will be a year since Resident Evil Ebola 6 came out! Time really flies by doesn’t it.. I planned on getting part 7 out by the end of last year but unfortunately it’s been difficult to find time to work on the game. I work almost 50 hours a week and with what little time I have left, I try to have somewhat of a social life. It’s frustrating because I know exactly how I want to make the final chapter of RE Ebola. I just wish I can snap my fingers and make the game a reality!! I know exactly how the gameplay will look, the music I’ll use, storyline, the boss battles.. etc. I have no doubt this will be the best and most epic installment of the series. I can’t wait to close this storyline out with a bang, I’m chipping away at it little by little, anyways that’s all.. just wanted to give (those who care) an update on the game. I’ll put out another update when I get closer to finishing it. But for now, Thank you all for playing my games and checking in!! Til next time 👋



Posted by MetaMike - April 9th, 2024


I'm just about done with RE Ebola 6 ! Hopefully I can put it out in a week or two at most ! Just finishing up a couple of things. I really like the way it's coming out, honestly it's going to make the first 5 chapters look like garbage.. that's how good and different it is. All cutscenes and gameplay combined make this thing about an hour long. If the first 5 chapters were my version of Resident Evil 1, than Chapter 6 is basically my version of Resident Evil 2 and 3 so I had a lot of ground to cover! Be ready for this thing to come out soon…

EDIT - THE GAME IS DONE!! Just need to figure out which day I’m going to publish it, sorry for the delays!!!



Posted by MetaMike - December 24th, 2023

I made some updates to all of my RE Ebola games, little things here and there that people have brought up in reviews. Especially 5 since that one did very well "views wise". Made a lot of changes to that one.. Anyways, I can't wait to start working on RE Ebola 6 and 7, I know exactly what I'm going to do for both parts..The only thing I'm worried about is the size and if I can put everything I want in each Chapter. I don't want to have to cut ANYTHING !! Also custom sprites and creating them may be tricky... As for Ebola 6, I can't wait to get going with that one, mostly because that game will take place in the city, so I can come up with some cool urban set pieces. I've done a bit of work on it already but I'm not ready to go full throttle yet. I'm hoping I can have that one out somewhere in March - May, and the final part - Chapter 7 by the end of next year. Just need to find the time to get working on them in the new year. I'm ready to wrap up this series and show you all what I have in store!

Anyways this is my second and final post of 2023! I hope you all enjoy the final days of December AND have a fantastic New Years !



Posted by MetaMike - May 3rd, 2023

Hey how’s it going to whoever is reading this! I hope you’re having a great day, I just wanted to update anyone that happens to hop on NG and my page lately.. I’ve been picking away at RE Ebola 5 and Mario’s Final RPG Ep.3 recently. I’m almost done with RE but I’m having some issues that have set me back a bit with it. The Mario game should be a lot easier to finish up, not sure which I’m going to release first as I’ve been working on both simultaneously..but one should be out by June or so.



Posted by MetaMike - August 26th, 2021

I always thought to myself I wish I had started making these flash games about a decade earlier, I might've been too young to even operate a creative software, let alone make anything. But 10-15 years ago Newgrounds was poppin! Like the Super Mario Bros Z era..Even in 2013 my crappy games averaged 40k views which would be an absolute miracle now..I think all the NG users have grown up and moved on. And it sucks cause all I wanted was to tell my stories, for Sonic Adventure X, Mario's Final RPG and Resident Evil Ebola. I know EXACTLY how many episodes and how each of these series' would've ended. I was extremelyyy excited to finish them all one day, but by the time I learned how to start making decent games, NG lost popularity. It just wouldn't be worth the trouble for the amount of people that would actually play the games at this rate. The future Sonic Adventure X episodes were going to be insane! I had so many great ideas and knew exactly where the story would go, our heroes were going to completely lose at one point, I swear Avengers Infinity War stole my idea lol.. In my series they were going to REALLY LOSE in that extreme fashion..But anyways flash is outdated now so if I wanted to tell these stories at some point in the future I would need to find another medium to do so cause Flash was pretty much all I had in mind..

P.S the Resident Evil Ebola series was almost finished for years now, I had worked on it for the longest..If anything I might release the last few parts and that'll be one of the final things I release on here. just need to touch them up..



Posted by MetaMike - April 27th, 2020

To whom it may concern..

I know Newgrounds isn't the powerhouse it once was but I hope people play my game RE Ebola 2 game when I release it, I've slept on the project for some time but this corona virus nonsense has left me with a lot of free time, I would like nothing more than to finish this game as quickly as possible and get it out to people. Hopefully it could garner up half the attention the first one did :) so keep an eye out for it folks and stay safe all !


Posted by MetaMike - May 20th, 2019

Need beta testers for my sonic adventure x ep.3 game which is a fighter, please mag me if interested


Posted by MetaMike - March 15th, 2019

It's been several years since my friend Teejay-number13 and I collaborated to make Sonic Adventure X Ep.2.. It was a great turnout and even before than I had been working on Ep.3..However after the gameplay he provided I changed a lot of things up to match the material he brought to the table, but unfortunately life got in the way and finishing it proved nearly impossible. I haven't worked on anything game related for 2 years and suddenly I got the spark with what little free time I have to finish what I started almost 5 years ago, hopefully within the month or early next I can release part 3. Not sure how many people still use NG these days but this is a big one, and a good one (: hope you guys check it out when it drops.



Posted by MetaMike - March 23rd, 2018

So for any fans of mine who may have been wondering, I have been working on each of my 3 main series' that are copyrighted of course, they include Sonic Adventure X.. Mario's Final RPG.. And Resident Evil Ebola ! I am highly interested in finishing all 3 of these sagas of mine and I ultimately know how they are all going to end and roughly how many episodes they shall have.. I'm just unsure which to work on first, each are incredibly time consuming to make and I seem to jump back and forth from the 3.. any suggestions people ? Would love some weigh ins.


Posted by MetaMike - June 29th, 2016

RE Ebola was a game I was hoping to release alongside the RE zero re release. however with the announcement of Resident Evil 7, my interest of releasing the game has definitely been re ignited. Hopefully I can wrap it up before August, I owe it to the voice actors and beta testers to finish this and give it a proper release. I'm currently working on adding real resident evil mechanics like limited ammo and puzzle solving, Hope you guys like it when it drops.